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François STAHLY

| French artist |
1911, Constance, Germany – died July 2, 2006 in Meudon

Sculptor and painter
  • « Ecole de Paris » (Archives accessibles à la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
  • Centre National d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou, Paris
  • Centre de recherche du Musée national d’art moderne)

1926: attends the Kunstgewerbeschule of Winterthur (teaching the principles of the Bauhaus and the School of Fine Arts of Zürich).

1931: moves to Paris; Ranson academy, meets Maillol, Alfred Manessier, Zelman.

1937 : realizes his first commission, for the Women’s Pavilion at the World Fair in Paris.

1940 : stays in the community of Oppède, Provence; meets Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry. With Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst, creates the decorations for the Eden Bar, Marseille.
1945: collaborates with the architects Jean Prouvé and Bernard Zehrfuss.

1988-58: collaborates with Alberto Giacometti for the realization of the ceiling and the wall-relief of the Vatican pavilion for the World Fair in Brussels.

1960 (until), educated by Gurdjueff. Until 1965, teaches at the University of Berkeley, California, then in Aspen, Colorado, Washington and Seattle; performes numerous works for the Cities of New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles.

1960 : creates “Astre II ” for the Faculty of Pharmacy in Paris.

1961 : “Les Oiseaux Flammes”, for Standford University, Palo Alto, USA.

1961-62: fountain for the Kaiser Steel building, Fontana, USA.

1961-64: “Fountain of the Four Seasons” for Sydney Walton Square, San Francisco, USA.

1962-63 : “Porticos” or “Echo of the Forest” for the great hall of the Maison de la Radio, Paris.

1965: “The Unicorn” for Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA.

1965: “Fête”, Stemmons Tower International Sculpture Garden, Dallas, USA.

1965-66: “Tree-Meander I”, Itau Bank, Sao Paulo, Brazil. “La Pyramide”, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. “Méandres”, Dallas, USA.

1966: “The Labyrinth” campus of the Faculty of Sciences of Jussieu.

1967-68 : ” Colonne croissance “, Pierre Gianadda Foundation, Martigny, Switzerland.

1967-70: with his children, creates the Parc Forestier and the workshops of Crestet, Vaucluse (registered as a historical monument since 1988)

1969-74: “Labyrinthine Garden”, Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, Empire State Plaza, Albany, USA. 

Awards and dignities :

  • 1965: Grand Prix of the Tokyo Biennale.
  • 1972: Grand Prix des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris.
  • 1979: Grand Prix National de la Sculpture.
  • December 9, 1992 : elected member of the Academy of Fine Arts, in the chair of Nicolas Schöffer. 
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